Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Expressive Work Sample

I believe that this is an appropriate sample of my expressive interpreting abilities because I think that it not only captures my signing style, but how I try to incorporate ASL features such as non manual markers, referential space, and temporal aspect, to name a few. While this is nowhere near perfect, it meets the goals of my portfolio because it gives consumers a look at my raw, cold work. With the minimal preparation and practice that I did do, I think that this is fair representation of my expressive skills and I can only hope to improve from here. I don’t want to pretend that my weaknesses don’t exist by masking them through extensive preparation and strenuous practice. With that being said, I hope that this portfolio will be a tool for me to look back on and see the progression of my skills through the work that I’ve provided, and by providing cold work, in turn, this portfolio will meet that goal.

This is a Ted Talk segment from model Cameron Russell as she speaks on her experience as a model and tries to break down the racial and gender misconceptions that are overwhelming society's youth. Ms. Russell admits she won "a genetic lottery": she's tall, pretty and an underwear model. But in this segment challenging people to not judge her by her looks, but for what she has to say and who she is as a person. In this daring talk, she takes a wry look at the industry that had her looking highly seductive at a very young age.

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